
The Cambridge Ghost Hunters are proud to say they are part of “Visit England, The National Tourist Board of England” and they have achieved their COVID-19 Industry Standard Certificate 


The Cambridge ghost hunters are a team of professional paranormal investigators who travel the country in search of the unknown and to find answers about the paranormal and its existence.

The investigations include many types of locations where we carry out various types of investigations and invite members of the public to join us and try their hand at being a paranormal investigator for the night.

During a night the team will carry out various types of vigils and experiment with both natural and man-made devices in search of the paranormal.

Note: on occasion, we may use Ouija boards, when this occurs member of the public will be given a choice to take part or join other members of the team elsewhere in a vigil.

To join us and become a member of the team for the night, visit our shop and book your places now.